


Pão-de-queijo, or Brazilian cheese bread, are a delicious, gluten-free cheese bread bites commonly found throughout Brazil. While this American version is made with just 3 ingredients that are easy to find in the United States, these cheesy bread balls have a thin outer crust with a gooey cheesiness on the inside! This easy Brazilian recipe is sure to be a crowd-pleaser; including with your little ones! Enjoy! Maybe you’ve seen those yummy-looking cheese bread balls rolling around Pinterest? You know, those amazing gluten-free balls that have the thin crust, with a gooey, cheesy inside from Brazil? Yup….those. Ever been wanting to make them at home? Because if you have, then keep reading! With just 3 ingredients, this recipe is extremely simple and easy yet delicious!:) How I discovered these tasty snacks Before traveling to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for the very first time back in 2009; I did what most…

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